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Should You Carb Load for Sports

The practice of carbohydrate loading is often used by athletes to enhance performance and endurance in their sports events. But is it suitable for...

Taking Up Climbing? Try it Safely with this Guide

Is bouldering on your list of activities to try out this year? Get to know more about this sport and how you can enjoy it safely...

The Importance of Sleep, Mental Wellness, and Being Active

As we grapple with the hustle and bustle of daily life, don't forget to make time for yourself. Here are some common misses affecting our sleep...

Athletes and Heart Disease: Why Does it Happen

Highly active and fit individuals are not completely safe from heart conditions. Here’s why heart problems are seemingly common in fit people, and...

How to Walk – Have You Been Doing It Right

Walking is good for your health, but did you know that there's a proper way to do it...

Common Dance Injuries in the Foot and Ankle

Due to the demands of dancing, it is no surprise that more than half of the injuries dancers sustain are to the foot and ankle...

12 Easy Exercises to Do at Home: How\-to Tips & Safety

Being stuck at home doesn't mean you can't exercise. Here are 12 effective, beginner\-friendly exercises you can do at home, with or without equipment...

Is Cycling or Skating Your New Hobby? How to Avoid Common Injuries

We’re spending more time outdoors and getting more involved in sports, but they do come along with risks. Discover how you can minimise injuries...

Exercising after Giving Birth

Exercising after pregnancy can help you get back into shape. But when is the right time to start...

How to Prevent Sports Injuries in Children: 8 Safety Tips

Dr Lim Yi\-Jia, orthopaedic surgeon and former chief tournament physician to Women's Tennis Association (WTA) athletes, shares tips on how to protect...