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How to Stop Coughing Naturally: 10 Effective Methods

What are some natural ways to soothe a persistent cough or coughing fit? From hydration to honey, these home remedies can provide cough relief and...

A Guide to Haze Season in Singapore

Don’t let the haze keep you in a daze – Here’s the lowdown on health hazards and preventative measures...

What You Need to Know about RSV in Babies

Learn about Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), a common and highly contagious virus that infects the airways and causes cold\-like symptoms in young...

Why Am I Still Coughing After COVID-19

Is having a persistent or lingering post COVID-19 cough normal, or is there cause for concern...

Get Protected with the Pneumococcal Vaccine

It's not the flu – pneumococcal pneumonia is a serious bacterial infection that can be potentially life-threatening. Learn how to protect yourself and...

What You Can Do About Long COVID

What does long COVID mean for your health? Here are the symptoms you should start paying attention to...

Understanding Long COVID: Symptoms and Recovery Tips

Some recovered COVID-19 patients continue to experience persistent symptoms. Learn more about the signs of long COVID, how it affects your body, and...

N95 vs Surgical Masks: Are Face Masks Effective for Children

Studies have shown that surgical and N95 masks may not be suitable or effective for your young children against viruses. Read on to find out why...

COVID-19 and Children: 12 Things to Know

While the COVID-19 outbreak ensues, here are some useful tips parents can consider when taking care of their children...

Asthma Attacks: Triggers, Symptoms, Treatments & Medications

Asthma is a chronic illness affecting hundreds of millions of people worldwide. It's important to know how to recognise an asthma attack and when to...