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Targeting Cancer with the Precision of Proton Beams

10-year-old Jordan Tan underwent proton beam therapy – a type of radiation therapy to shrink his brain tumour while reducing the chance of damage to...

Irregular Heartbeat? It Could Be Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation (AF or AFib), is the most common arrhythmia diagnosed in clinical practice. Cardiologist Pipin Kojodjojo explains why you...

Meet our People: Dr Ivan Tham, Radiation Oncologist

Dr Ivan Tham gives us a glimpse of his role as a radiation oncologist at the Mount Elizabeth Proton Therapy Centre and tells us what keeps him...

Treating Skin Cancer with Mohs Surgery: 10 FAQs Answered

Most skin cancers are curable when diagnosed early. Read on to learn more about Mohs micrographic surgery and how it is effective in treating skin...

Discover these Laser Treatments for an Enlarged Prostate

What is HoLEP and ThuFLEP? These are 2 laser treatment options to help treat an enlarged prostate...

What Does Skin Cancer Look Like

Learn more about the different types and warning signs of skin cancer that you shouldn't ignore...

CRS-HIPEC: An Innovative Treatment for Peritoneal Cancers

Take a dive into the world of CRS-HIPEC, an innovative two-step procedure that's able to treat peritoneal cancers...

How is COVID-19 Testing Done

ParkwayHealth Laboratory conducts diagnostic tests, also known as molecular PCR tests, using the Cobas 6800 System. Find out how Covid-19 testing is...

Drug Allergies

Allergic reactions to drugs can occur with use of any type of drug. It is important to seek medical advice if you suspect you have a drug allergy...

Advances in Prostate Cancer Screening and Detection

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men but it is a difficult cancer to diagnose. Dr Eugene Ong and Dr Ng Chee Kwan talks about how...