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Natural Remedies for Soothing Your Child's Cough

Discover gentle remedies to help soothe your child’s cough naturally and learn when to seek medical attention...

Can a Hip Fracture Heal Without Surgery

A hip fracture can happen due to a collision, old age, and a sedentary lifestyle. Get to know more about it, how to prevent it, and whether it can...

How to Tell If Your Back Pain is an Emergency

Back pain, while common, can vary widely from person to person, with different causes and severity. Here’s how to tell when medical attention is...

Dry Lips: Causes and Doctor-Approved Remedies You Can Use

In sunny Singapore, dry and painful lips aren’t uncommon. But what causes them, and can they ever be "in the pink" again? Discover the answers and...

Chronic Disease Management Programme: Is it for You

Learn more about what a chronic illness is and how your regular family doctor can help you manage it with the Chronic Disease Management Programme...

Should You Consider Surgery for Gout

Gout is a form of arthritis that affects around 1% of the population and 6 times more men than women...

Are You Walking Right? Understanding Abnormal Gait

Walking is something we do every day without much thought, but have you ever wondered if you’re doing it right...

Unmasking the Threat of Severe Dengue Fever

With dengue rates rising around the world, we need to be more vigilant than ever against severe dengue...

Meet our People: Dr Ivan Tham, Radiation Oncologist

Dr Ivan Tham gives us a glimpse of his role as a radiation oncologist at the Mount Elizabeth Proton Therapy Centre and tells us what keeps him...

Treating Skin Cancer with Mohs Surgery: 10 FAQs Answered

Most skin cancers are curable when diagnosed early. Read on to learn more about Mohs micrographic surgery and how it is effective in treating skin...