Dengue Season

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Dengue Season: How To Stay Mosquito Safe

Last updated: Tuesday, August 27, 2019 | 5 min reading time

We’re still in the midst of dengue season and protecting yourself against mosquito bites is more important than ever. Here’s what you need to know about dengue fever and other mosquito-borne diseases.

Dengue season

June to October is peak dengue season in Singapore. The warmer months offer the perfect breeding ground for mosquitos to thrive, particularly in areas of dense jungle or around stagnant water. Despite a national dengue campaign to clean up residential areas and other potential breeding sites, cases of dengue fever are on the rise.

What is dengue fever?

Dengue fever

Dengue fever is a disease spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. There are 4 dengue viruses and each one acts independently. If you are infected by 1 type and develop immunity, it's still possible to become infected by the other 3 strains during your lifetime.

Approximately 400 million cases of dengue fever occur worldwide every year, mainly in tropical climates where mosquitos thrive.

When a mosquito bites an infected person, they can spread that infection to others each time they bite someone. Dengue fever can't be passed from person to person directly.

Symptoms of dengue fever

Symptoms of dengue fever usually show up within the first week or so of being infected. The symptoms are often mild, but the disease can cause:

Due to similarities between some of the symptoms, people often mistake dengue fever for the flu.

Treating dengue fever

Treating dengue fever

It is essential to see a doctor if you think you have dengue fever. Dengue fever can develop into dengue haemorrhagic fever, which presents with a very high temperature, an enlarged liver, bleeding from the nose and gums, and damage to your lymph nodes. If untreated, this can turn into dengue shock syndrome, which triggers massive blood loss and can be fatal.

Treating dengue fever first involves a test to check for the virus. In most cases, you will just need to rest and drink extra fluids.

However, should symptoms worsen, and you notice the following, go to your nearest Urgent Care Centre (UCC) immediately.

The best way of dealing with dengue fever is prevention.

Take extra precautions for the young or elderly, or those with compromised immune systems.

Other mosquito-borne diseases

Dengue fever isn't the only illness to be wary of. Mosquitos spread other serious diseases too.

Zika virus

Zika virus has been in the headlines recently due to outbreaks across Asia and Central and South America.

The Aedes mosquito also spreads Zika virus. It may also be passed on via sexual intercourse with an infected person. It often goes undetected and some people who are infected have no symptoms at all. Others have a mild fever, joint pain, conjunctivitis or a rash. The Zika virus can have serious complications, including:

West Nile

West Nile

West Nile is another disease spread by mosquitos, this time by the Culex species of mosquito. West Nile is very common in the United States. Doctors believe West Nile can also be spread through organ donation and from mother to baby during pregnancy or childbirth.

8 out of 10 people with West Nile suffer no symptoms at all. Some develop a fever with a rash and flu-like symptoms, vomiting and diarrhoea. Muscle weakness and fatigue can also occur and last for several weeks. In some cases, West Nile can develop into meningitis or encephalitis.

Both are very serious and can lead to permanent damage to the brain or nervous system, and in rare cases death.


Malaria is caused by a parasite called plasmodium, which is spread by the female Anopheles mosquito. Malaria is mostly found in tropical environments. When the parasite enters your blood stream, you can become very ill. Symptoms of malaria include a high fever, shivers, vomiting, muscle pain and diarrhoea. This typically presents around 7 – 18 days after infection. Sometimes it can take a year for any symptoms to develop.

If malaria is left untreated it can lead to:

Malaria prevention tables are available if you know you're travelling to high-risk areas. Antimalarial medication can also be used to treat malaria after you're infected.

Staying mosquito safe

Mosquito safe

In most cases, mosquito-borne illnesses can be avoided by being careful. If you live in, or are visiting a tropical climate, you're probably going to come in to contact with mosquitos.

At home, installing structural barriers such as window screens or insecticide-treated netting can help keep mosquitos out of the home.

The best option is to prevent Aedes mosquitos from breeding. Eliminating any possible breeding locations, such as buckets, watering cans and receptacles for water can help prevent them from breeding. Practise the good habit of regularly cleaning and scrubbing your plant pots to remove mosquito eggs and loosen soil from potted plants to prevent puddles from developing on the surface of hard soil.

Keefe, P. (2016, Feb 12) Mosquitos: The Most Dangerous Animal On Earth? Retrieved 26/7/19 from

Kim, S. (2016, Jan 19) Dengue Fever. Retrieved 26/7/19 from

Malaria. (2018, Aug 22) Retrieved 26/7/19 from

Mei, T. (2019, Jun 1) Rise in dengue cases as Singapore enters peak season for the disease. Retrieved 26/7/19 from

Ratini, M. (2018, Jan 24) Most Common Illnesses You Get From Mosquito Bites. Retrieved 26/7/19 from

West Nile Virus. (2018, Dec 10) Retrieved 26/7/19 from

Zika Virus. (2018, Dec 10) Retrieved 26/7/19 from

Prevent Aedes Mosquito Breeding. (n.d.) Retrieved 21/8/19 from

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