This device or software is intended for use only for general wellbeing purposes or to encourage or maintain a healthy lifestyle, and is not intended to be used for any medical purpose (such as the detection, diagnosis, monitoring, management or treatment of any medical condition or disease or contraception. Any health-related information provided by this device or software should not be treated as medical advice. Please consult a physician for any medical advice required.
In a medical emergency call 995 or visit the nearest Accident & Emergency department. Use of this symptom checker shall be at your sole discretion and risk. Parkway Group Healthcare Pte Ltd and its affiliates (including Parkway Shenton Pte Ltd) do not accept any responsibility for any reliance by you on the information provided.
Source: Shutterstock
Heart attack symptoms in women are often 'silent' but the consequences of not noticing them can be life threatening. Besides frequent heart screenings, knowing the signs can help prevent heart attacks.
For those who may be planning on having a baby only after they step over the magic number of 40, here are some issues to consider.
Dr Kelly Loi discusses fibroids, how they affect fertility in women, and the ways to identify, evaluate and manage fibroids.
A breast cancer diagnosis does not mean having to lose your breast, now that many treatment options are available.
Eight myths you might believe about breast cancer screening, and the truth about it.
More women are being claimed by breast cancer now than before. Love them by encouraging them to go for breast screening.
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