Hip Bursitis - Diagnosis & Treatment

How is hip bursitis diagnosed?

Hip bursitis can be diagnosed based on your medical history, a physical examination and one or more diagnostic tests:

  • Physical examination. To diagnose hip bursitis, your doctor will conduct a physical examination to evaluate your history of hip pain and its location.
  • Imaging tests. X-ray images may not always positively establish the diagnosis of bursitis, but they can help to exclude other causes of your discomfort. Ultrasound or MRI might be used if your bursitis can't easily be diagnosed by a physical exam alone.
  • Laboratory tests. Your doctor might order blood tests or an analysis of fluid from the inflamed bursa to pinpoint the cause of your joint inflammation and pain.

How is hip bursitis treated?

Hip bursitis treatment is often a combination of:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to reduce pain and swelling
  • Corticosteroid injections into the joint to reduce inflammation and pain
  • Aspiration of bursa fluid to relieve pressure
  • Physiotherapy to increase your range of motion
  • Avoiding pressure on the affected joint
  • Avoiding activities that require climbing

If these measures are ineffective, your doctor may recommend surgery to remove the bursa.

Persistent hip pain can severely impact your quality of life. If you are experiencing hip pain, make an appointment to have it professionally evaluated so that it can be diagnosed and treated.

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