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Debunking 5 Myths about Vaping

Is vaping better than smoking, or worse? Our doctors debunk 5 commonly believed myths about e-cigarettes...

Can You Survive a Heart Attack

7 out of 10 people in Singapore can’t recognise the symptoms of a heart attack when it happens. Can you...

How Smoking and Drinking Affect the Body

Dr Stanley Chia, cardiologist, explains the effects of smoking and drinking on our health...

Understanding Risk Factors for Colon Cancer

Louis Yap, clinical dietitian at Parkway East Hospital, explains why we should remain aware of colon cancer, and how to reduce our risk...

10 Unique Health Facts about the Average Singaporean

As we celebrate our country this National Day, let's not forget to celebrate the great strides we've made in healthcare...

10 Secrets You Need to Stop Hiding from Your Doctor

When it comes to discussing more personal issues with doctors, it's tempting to hide certain details. Yet, by doing so, you may be putting your health...

Heart Truth #4: Quit Smoking

Smokers are up to 3 times more likely to suffer heart attacks. The sooner you quit, the more you can reduce your chances of getting sick...